Wednesday 25 April 2012

Simple, But Strong

One day I walked through a field
That was budding its springtime yield.
I saw in the distance, in the open glade,
Surrounded by newborn flowers of every shade,
A tree, great in stature, but gentle in form.
Its core made wise by many a storm.
In awe I approached this majestic old oak,
And then with a whisper it quietly spoke.
“Grow, my friend, for spring is here;
If your roots are in solid ground you have nothing to fear.”

Months past before I came this way again;
Summer had come, and with it the sun’s pain.
It was a joy to see that tree from afar;
To a weary traveler, few better sights there are.
As I rested from my journey beneath its branches,
The leaves seamed to whisper, no matter the chances.
“When pilgrims come, and the sojourner tires of the path so steep,      
Give them food and water and a place to sleep.
Treat the kindly, do them well, make them feel like a guest,
For you have been given much; the Lord has made you blessed.”

The leaves turned from green to gold, as time faded away.
Once more I traveled this path; Once more I crossed this way;
Once more I saw that old tree a short distance from me.
It was engulfed in simple splendor, colorful sea;
Leaves of gold, yellow, orange, and brown formed its robe.
This time there was no whisper but a shout; a proclamation around the glove!
“Give glory to God with all you possess:
This is not a time for recess.
Don’t be afraid to let your colors shine.
Give it your all, your heart, your soul, your strength, and your min(d).”

Winter had come, and the bustling brook turned to ice;
The storms raged and roared, the wind cut and dice.
This was my last journey for the year and the coldest by far.
There was the tree, striped of its leaves, full of winter’s scar.
Its words were simple, but strong, “Be prepared for winter,
And when it comes make sure that you are not made of tinder.
Stand strong though the wind begins to howl.
Sand strong though you think the whole world scowl.
Stand strong though heaven and earth are at war.
Stand strong, for spring will come once more.”

~ Derek Glatts

Monday 2 April 2012

The Road Less Traveled

"The greatest want of the world is the want of men -- men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its' right name, men whose conscience is true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall"(Education, page 57). 

Throughout all ages God has called steadfast men to rise above the common expectations of this sinful world. Since the days of Noah he has asked men and women to step outside of the social norms, to engage an enemy that they can not see, an enemy so great and powerful, so evil and cunning that only through complete and total reliance on our Lord can they overcome. Men and women like Joshua, Ehud, David, Esther, and Daniel rose during times of corruption and backsliding. Thousands of years later God continued to work through the reformers like Wycliffe and Luther to overcome the powers of evil and bring Europe out of the dark ages.

God continues to call today. He is looking for men to to rise above wickedness in these troubled times; to take the road less traveled. We are living in a time of great spiritual death. Satan has allured men to turn aside from the straight and narrow and compromise the values they once held dear. Now is the time to prepare ourselves for the coming storm. We must be willing to step outside our comfort zone, to leave behind fear of all that is not holy, to stand though the heavens fall.